Restore Isolated Durable Function Tuple Support

2 minute read

With the release of Azure Functions on .NET 8 and feature parity of the in-process to the isolated model, I’ve started to migrate existing in-process functions to the isolated model. The existing function apps are a mixture of standard functions and durable functions.

What are Tuples?

Tuples are a mathematical concept of an ordered list of elements. In programming, Tuples are a feature which allows for multiple values/objects to be passed around as a single object.

var tuple = ("Hello", "World");
Console.WriteLine($"{tuple.Item1} {tuple.Item2}");
// "Hello World"

In the above example, the two strings of “Hello” and “World” are used to create a Tuple which is then printed. Tuples can also be created from multiple complex objects.

Sample Project

Below going any further, here is a sample project of a .NET 8 isolated durable function using Tuples.

Using Tuples in Durable Functions

Durable Functions are comprised of activities to perform functional tasks and orchestrations to manage the flow of activities. Both can take an input of a JSON-serializable object. In many of the existing Durable Functions I was migrating, multiple objects were being built up from several activities and then mapped.

public async Task RunAsync([OrchestrationTrigger] TaskOrchestrationContext context)
    var object1 = await context.CallActivityAsync<Model1>(nameof(Activity1));
    var object2 = await context.CallActivityAsync<Model2>(nameof(Activity2));
    var object3 = await context.CallActivityAsync<Model3>(nameof(Activity3));

    await context.CallActivityAsync(nameof(ActivityMapper), (object1, object2, object3));

As per Microsoft docs, Tuples can be used to pass multiple inputs to a durable function without having to create a wrapper complex object.

public string RunAsync([ActivityTrigger] (Model1, Model2, Model3) input)
    var target = Map(input);

If the above examples are run in a new DotNet isolated project, the item members of the input tuple will all be null. After some research, one of the changes from the in-process to isolated model is that the JSON serializer has been swapped from Newtonsoft to System.Text.Json. By default Newtonsoft serializes all public fields and properties, however, by default System.Text.Json doesn’t include fields. As shorthand Tuples (ValueTuples) such as in the example use fields for the items, these aren’t serialized when used as an input for a durable function.

var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
        services.Configure<JsonSerializerOptions>(configure => configure.IncludeFields = true);


To restore the ability to use Tuples as inputs, the JsonSerializerOptions can be configured in the Program.cs to toggle to inclusion of fields in the System.Text.Json (de)serialization process. Although this is a simple fix, the impact of the serializer change isn’t particularly mentioned in the docs and thought it would be useful to document the impact on using Tuples.
